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Book your Personal Tour!

Visit us at the House of Austrian History!
You can book your personal overview or themed tour here. The booking form you can find further below on this site.



Overview Tour: This is Austria
Explore central aspects and events of Austria's contemporary history!
We are happy to adapt to different levels of previous knowledge: Basics for beginners, or in-depth insights for the advanced - just let us know!


Themed Tours
We offer a variety of themed tours:

- Long live the Republic! Cornerstones of democratic developments
- The call for a strong leader. Democracy in plight
- Equal, more equal, unequal. The fight for basic and human rights
- On the move. Fights of women for participation and equal rights
- It's "the others'" fault. Antisemitic and racist enemy concepts in Austrian history
- Austria and Europe. The history of a relationship
- Back in the heart of Europe. Austria and the year 1989
- The danube so grey... transformation, destruction and preservation of the environment in the 20th and 21st century
- The end of the war 1945: Violence and Liberation
- Special Stories. How Art deals with History
- as well as tours on the current temporary exhibitions

Group Size
We offer guided tours for groups with 10 people or larger.
For groups with less than 10 people, we charge a lump sum.
Further information: hdgoe.at/hours-fees


Overview tours can currently be booked in the following languages: German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Romanian.


Opening Hours and Fees
For information on the opening hours, fees and reductions as well as the cancellation fees please visit hdgoe.at/hours-fees


We kindly ask you to send your request via the form below. You will receive an answer via e-mail as soon as possible. In case you do not have a specific date yet, we are available for all questions here:

01 534 10 – 799
(Tue–Fri, 10am–6pm, except on public holidays)


We are looking forward to your visit!


Booking Form

Send request!